Why do I need Visitors to Canada Travel Medical Insurance?
Travelling outside your home country without travel medical insurance can be an expensive gamble. Medical and dental care in Canada is costly, and the Canadian government recommends that visitors be adequately insured during their stay in the country.
Choose Travel Underwriters and Rest Insured.
Real-life example
A 13–year–old Korean girl, visiting her aunt and uncle in Canada, developed acute abdominal pain and was taken to the ER. An emergency appendectomy was performed followed by a second operation in order to remove an infected section of her bowel. She spent a total of 18 days in hospital.
Without Visitors to Canada Travel Insurance, her out–of–pocket costs would have totalled: $77,429.25
Visitors to Canada Travel Medical Insurance:
- Covers injury or sickness requiring an emergency hospital stay or emergency medical treatment
- Protects visitors to Canada for short periods and extended stays
- Protects immigrants and Canadians returning to Canada after living abroad who are awaiting provincial health plan coverage
- Includes 24–Hour Accident Insurance up to $25,000 (CAD)
Includes emergency air transportation, emergency dental expense, prescription drugs, board and lodging for you or your travelling companion while confined to a hospital and more.
Options include:
- Various limits of insurance available to a maximum of $200,000 (CAD)
- Single trip coverage
- Choice of deductible