Why do I need Travel Medical Insurance?
Without travel medical insurance, your two–week vacation budget can easily be blown by something as basic as food poisoning, a dental cavity, or appendicitis. Even across–border day trip to the US can quickly turn into a medical and financial nightmare, as many hospitals in the US won’t treat you without adequate medical coverage or cash up front.
Real-life example
A 57–year–old Ontario woman, at her Florida vacation home, awoke in the middle of the night with acute abdominal pain. During the early morning hours, she was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with a complete stomach blockage. She underwent immediate surgery and spent the next 5 days in hospital.
Without Travel Medical Insurance, her out–of–pocket costs would have totalled:$88,200.00
Did you know?
Your provincial health insurance plan does not fully cover you when travellingout–of–province or out–of–country. Outside of Canada, it covers less than 7% of the total cost if you get sick or injured. With protection from Travel Underwriters, you can travel with peace of mind.
Choose Travel Underwriters and Rest Insured.
Travel Medical Insurance:
- Covers injury or sickness requiring an emergency hospital stay or emergency medical treatment while travelling outside your home province/territory or abroad
- Maximum coverage: $5,000,000 (CAD)
Includes licensed ambulance, emergency dental expense, prescription drug reimbursement, emergency air transportation and repatriation, board and lodging for you or your travelling companion while confined to a hospital, escorting home of insured children, expenses to bring a family member to your bedside if hospitalized, return to destination if you are returned home following emergency air transportation and more.
Options include:
- Single trip coverage
- Annual coverage for multiple trips
- Lower rates for travel within Canada and excluding the US
- Choice of deductible